Thursday, December 10, 2009

Create an application with movie intro

Hi . im going to create an app with movie intro , just like games with demo intro .

Recipes for Baking code :

*** A movie with .m4v or .mov file .
--Note that the video must be compatible with the iPhone.

*** A ViewBased Application project named as : "MovieIntro"

Broiling The Code :

- before baking our code we must add MediaPlayer Framework to our project . So go to your Frameworks . Open the folder and right click one of the frameworks and click “Reveal In Finder.” and add MediaPlayer.framework to your project .

- click on the MovieIntroViewController.m and add below codes :

then click on build and run icon ... so you see a movie when application has been lunch .

If you like hide the controllers of your Movie Player .... just add this code :

IntroMovie.movieControlMode = MPMovieControlModeHidden;

here is my first tutorial :) . i hope enjoy it .


  1. That was so useful Thankyou

  2. hi...
    you've just a good weblog ...
    I have a question about how to convert an .app file to an .ipa file without the developer id...
    if you have got any idea or advice please don't hesitate to contact me ...
    email :
    best regards.
    arash pourmohammad
